Groovy 1.0 RC-2 is out!
Guillaume Laforge
2006-12-23 16:52:59 UTC
My very dear friends,

I'm pleased to announce the second release candidate for Groovy 1.0.

Groovy 1.0 RC-2 is a bug-fix release. We focused our time on
correcting bugs encountered in RC-1 and older bugs related to bytecode
issues. Like in the previous releases, some better compilation error
messages have been improved as well.

We would like you to try out this Release Candidate and to report as
soon as possible all the potential problems you could encounter. The
final release is now really imminent, and you should expect it before
new year's eve, or in the very beginning of January. So please help us
test this release on your own projects, so that we can deliver the
best possible final release!

This RC-2 release is the gift of the Groovy team to its users, and
we're wishing you all a Groovy Christmas and a happy New Year with
your beloved ones.
Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager

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