Release candidate 2 is available!
Guillaume Laforge
2007-11-02 19:13:20 UTC
Dear all,

The Groovy development team and G2One <http://www.g2one.com>, the Groovy &
Grails company, are happy to announce the new milestone of Groovy: the second
release candidate is here. Just a few weeks after the first release
candidate, this new version focused mainly on bug fixing, ironing out the
Swing console with a nice new icon toolbar and the interactive shell, and
the XML handling. You can have a closer look at the JIRA
more detailed information and you can download
Groovy 1.1-rc-2 <http://groovy.codehaus.org/Download> from the usual place.

Apart from these bugs and little improvements, we kept on increasing the
performance of Groovy. As an informal benckmark, we measured the time taken
by our test suites to run, and for instance, according to the Grails team,
the Grails test suites executed about 40% faster with Groovy 1.1-rc-2 than
with Groovy 1.1-rc-1, of course, depending on your project, your mileage may

Please help us making sure Groovy 1.1 is rock-solid by having a run with
this new release candidate in your projects, so that we can iron out the
latest little problems that may arise. Thanks in advance for your help. Stay
tuned for the final Groovy 1.1 release in a couple of weeks!

Download: http://groovy.codehaus.org/Download
JIRA issues fixed:
Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
G2One, Inc. Vice-President Technology